Advertising Properties
Properties are advertised each week via the Properties search panel on this website.
The adverts tell you the landlord, location, size, rent and other features of the property to help you decide which properties are right for you.
Where available a photograph of the property or a similar property type is provided and you can access information about the local area and facilities.
The advert also tells you if there are any special requirements that the applicant must meet, such as age requirements and which band will be given priority for the property.
Expressing Your Interest in a Property
To apply for a property you must tell us that you wish to be considered for it, this is known as a bid. You may only apply for a property that is suitable for your family size, but you can apply for properties that are smaller than your assessed (or "ideal") need. Please read the guidance on Bidding for smaller property.
You can express your interest or bid online through this website.
Properties available to rent are advertised from 00:01hours on a Friday morning to midnight (00:00 hours) the following Thursday, every week.
You will be able to bid for a maximum of 3 properties during the time they are advertised. Bids will not be accepted after midnight on a Thursday.
Properties Currently Available
To find out about the properties currently available click on the Properties search panel.